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St. William's Ministries

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Active Ministries


Administration and Finance Ministry

The Administration and Finance Ministry shares with the Pastoral Administrator the responsibility for the functional aspects of the parish including finance, management, personnel, and maintenance.

Harriet Mays - Chair

Maria Oberhausen - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Compassion Ministry
The Compassion Ministry was formed in 2013 to guide the parish through a ten-year commitment to the International Charter on Compassion. The St. William Statement of Commitment to Becoming a more Compassionate Congregation was approved and signed by the Assembly on June 8, 2014. The group meets bi-weekly for prayer, meditation and study. It strives to hold the question before the parish, “To what does our commitment to compassion call us, as individuals and as a community?” The group strives to engage with other ministries, with the Assembly and with other local organizations to assure that language and actions are grounded in compassion.

Marcy Allman and Lois Luckett – Co-Chairs

Jim Luckett - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Dreaming and Greening Ministry

The Dreaming and Greening Ministry is one of prayer and discernment which keeps the Scriptures, the Mission Statement and current events in mind, while envisioning the parish response as it speaks to current times. This ministry is the prophetic conscience of St. William and calls us to be ever more faithful to the mission. It is the entry point for community members to bring ideas for new initiatives or ministries for discernment and possible inclusion in the Community Ministries Circle, and to receive support and resources in the formation stage.

Kevin Karl - Chair

Theresa Coop - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Health Ministry

Health Ministry is a collaboration of St. William Church and Centennial Olivet Baptist Church. The St. William/Centennial Olivet Health Ministry Team is a coalition of health, social work and other ministering volunteers whose mission is to encourage and promote health of the mind, body and spirit. When requested, the team will confidentially and prayerfully accompany members of their congregations and the wider community in times of illness or distress. The team also offers health promotion programs in response to community needs or interests.

Virginia Bush - Chair, Community Ministries Circle Representative


Peace and Non-Violence Education Ministry

The St. William Peace and Non-Violence Education Ministry looks to the Beatitudes of Christ and Gandhian Satyagraha in planning educational programs on peace, justice and non-violence. This committee works to strengthen the historically strong connection of interfaith dialogue and collaboration.

Cory Lockhart – Chair

Kathy Mullen - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Racial Justice Ministry

Racial Justice Ministry seeks to educate about the systemic racism that is still prevalent in society, about white privilege, and about effective ways to address racism in church and society. The ministry makes recommendations and provides support for actions that address racism in collaboration with other parish ministries and local peace and justice organizations. The group also serves to lead the St. William community toward becoming a more multi-cultural and anti-racist community of faith.

Anice Chenault - Chair

Joan Brooks - Community Ministries Circle Representative


St. Vincent de Paul

The St. William Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is a branch of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Louisville. Members respond to requests for assistance with food, rent, utilities, furniture, etc., from people in the 40210 zip code. Needs are assessed by conference members making home visits. Assistance is provided as resources allow.

Jim Williams - Chair

Debbie Thompson - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Service Ministry

The Service Ministry provides compassionate care to the St. William Community, to neighbors and to persons newly arriving in our country. Some activities include coordinating meals that accompany parish meetings and community celebrations; planning for special parish events such as the parish picnic; coordinating Diersen Center birthday celebrations; addressing needs for refugee resettlement; and coordinating New Directions Housing Corporation Repair Affair activities.

Dee Allen - Chair

Tom Korbee - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Social Advocacy and Action Ministry

Social Advocacy and Action Ministry helps plan, coordinate and promote the many advocacy, action and educational opportunities that come before the parish in a given year. These would include ongoing campaigns, legislative engagement and issue-focused involvement with initiatives from local and regional groups such as Citizens of Louisville Organizing and Uniting Together (CLOUT), Sowers of Justice Network and Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (KFTC), as well as the national and international efforts of NETWORK, Pax Christi, Bread for the World, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), and others.

Reece Chenault - Chair

Phil Schervish - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Spiritual Enrichment Ministry

Working with the Pastoral Team, the Spiritual Enrichment Ministry helps shape the life-long formation processes for the parish, including sacramental preparation, as well as offerings for adults and children. In addition, this team helps identify needs and develop opportunities for spiritual enrichment that deepen, renew and sustain the spiritual life of the St. William faith community.

Claudia Grenough – Chair

Sharon Bidwell - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Worship Ministry

The Worship Ministry seeks to foster the liturgical life of the parish community. The ministry coordinates with the Pastoral Team in the planning, implementation and evaluation of worship experiences, and reviews the use of inclusive language, in accordance with the Parish Statement in effect since 1990.

Nancy Fox - Chair

Sr. Cabrini Hatley - Community Ministries Circle Representative



Outgrowth Ministries


Friends of Espiqulas

Sister Parish Ministry and Friends of Esquipulas is a non-profit organization in Louisville, Kentucky, whose purpose is to support the Sister Parish relationship between the churches of St. William in Louisville and Our Lord of Esquipulas in Nicaragua. From this relationship flows the support for the projects in Esquipulas and the Casa Materna in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. The group, which meets monthly, includes members of St. William and the community at large.


David Horvath - Chair

Judy Heitzman - Community Ministries Circle Representative


Just Creations

Just Creations provides marketing assistance to low-income craftspeople in the developing world. The sale of these products helps to provide a fair wage for the artisans and enables them to pay for food, education, healthcare, and housing.  As a member of the Fair Trade Federation, Just Creations is committed to promoting the social and economic progress of people in the developing regions of the world, including Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Just Creations purchases exclusively from Fair Trade Organizations who work directly with artisans and farmers to ensure that Fair Trade principles are practiced.




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